ROK Technologies made a lasting impression at the Esri User Conference (UC) 2024 in San Diego. Amid over 20,000 GIS professionals from 143 countries, ROK stood out, not just for its cutting-edge cloud and Esri expertise, but also for the engaging cornhole-style game, “How much GIS can you take to the Cloud?” Explore more about how ROK is leading the charge in GIS cloud solutions.
Exploring the advantages of utilizing GIS managed cloud services for transportation organizations.
What is ArcGIS Monitor? ArcGIS Monitor is a powerful tool from Esri that allows organizations to monitor the health of GIS infrastructure in real-time. This enterprise-grade monitoring solution works with ArcGIS Enterprise to provide information about system health, usage and performance. It also captures key metrics and attributes to quantify system health over time so […]
ROK Technologies is honored to be a Partner in the Esri State and Local Specialty program. The State & Local Government Specialty program is designed to help Esri customers identify providers with ArcGIS expertise and substantial experience in working with local, state, county, and city governments. With this designation, ROK Technologies has: demonstrated repeatable success […]
What is Kubernetes, aka K8s? Kubernetes allows you to manage and run multiple containers across a cluster of machines. Containers are lightweight, isolated environments that package an application and its dependencies, providing consistency and portability. By using Kubernetes, you can define how your containers should run, specify their resource requirements, and ensure high availability and […]
VDI has been and will continue to be a buzzword in the technology landscape, but what exactly is VDI? If you’ve heard of it, does it make you think of The Wizard of OZ – something magical, mysterious and hidden behind the curtain? Does it make you think of a keyfob code that never seemed […]
As your organization grows or upgrades software, keeping on top of the IT infrastructure needed to allow for changes can be a huge job. When you’re running big software like ArcGIS for Desktop and are facing a change in IT infrastructure you’ll realize it’s time to make some decisions. Either you put together new workstations, […]
ROK Technologies First to Receive Esri Kubernetes Specialty Designation from Esri We are thrilled to announce that on December 12th, 2022, ROK Technologies was the first (ever!) to earn Esri’s Kubernetes Specialty Designation. The ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes Specialty Designation is exclusively reserved for those who have expertise in deploying, configuring, and maintaining an ArcGIS […]
In ROK Technologies webinar session, The 3 Essentials for GIS Cloud Security, Ryan Daley, Cloud Services Architect, talks about the interconnected ICA model that you should follow to protect your GIS. He also reviews best practices for building and maintaining a secure environment and a clear security cost comparison for a cloud vs. on-premise security implementation. In […]
At ROK we are often asked, “When will ESRI be ripping ArcMap from my cold dead hands?” Many are in the same place in regard to transitioning to ArcGIS Pro – they’ve dabbled with it (for better or worse), they know they know they need to move to Pro – but they haven’t gone all […]
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Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
Phone: 843.577.3192